You remember back in middle school, when you'd go home, have a snack, maybe head to the park or for a bike ride before doing your homework? Remember being able to finish your homework in an hour or two- three at the very most?
That all changes in high school.
Procrastination does not pay off.
Honestly, don't find this out for yourself- although you probably will, inadvertently. When you have that first moment of -oh crap, I didn't finish- or something, learn from that.
I'm nearly finishing my sophomore year of high school- I still have friends that leave homework till the period before it's due, or chapter reading the night before the reading check.
Studying too- I recommend you find a good person to study with. I myself have one person that I'd trust to either split up a study guide with, or to sit and study with, because all the other people I know (and they are fairly decent people) are not good at managing time.
Ah, look at me, calling the kettle black...but I digress.
Studying helps a whole lot.
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