Sunday, March 20, 2011

Surprisingly not cliche- watch what you say.

^^^addressing that, I am aware- yes, I actually am- that what I've talked about so far is pretty basic advice that you get from anywhere and anyone about anything. I get points for that assonance, by the way :D

Watch what you say.
This is imperative not just to high school, but to all of life.
There's a proverb that I remember reading in a Little House on the Prairie book from years ago, but it imprinted itself onto my mind even then. I have it here, under this.

Five things observe with care: of whom you speak, to whom you speak, and how, and when, and where.

If you can keep that in mind, you will be much, much better off than a lot of others. Keep it mind that whatever you say, whether it's in person, texts, email, Facebook, or anywhere on the Internet especially, people can find it.
It will inevitably come back in some way- I personally have seen screenshots of conversations, copied/pasted chatboxes, forwarded text messages, and even a hacked Tumblr that was previously locked completely.
Yeah, I'm not even sure how that last one came about...nor how I stumbled upon it...but the advice here is 'Make sure that you will not regret what you say.'

I myself follow that as closely as possible- I actually looked back at myself and realized that while I always listen to others, I never offer my own opinion, complaint, or denunciation if it's something extreme or serious. Try to do the same so your reputation won't be ruined.

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